£299 Yearly

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Highlights of the Moveology Program

Holistic and Astrological Wellness Classes

  • Live and pre-recorded classes designed to align your body and mind with cosmic cycles.
  • Practices include intention setting, journaling, creativity, dance, barre, Astro Pilates, Astro HIIT, slow flow stretching, Moon Yoga, restorative yoga, and Yoga Nidra meditations.

🌒 New Moon Circle

  • Live guided class aligning with your personal moon transits.
  • Focus on intention setting, meditation, and creative activities to manifest in all areas of life.

🌓 First Quarter Moon

  • Active, energizing classes like pilates, dance, and toning.
  • Movements are aligned to the current moon sign and body astrology to harness lunar momentum.

🌕 Full Moon Circle

  • Live online moon circle to release energy and let go of what no longer serves you.
  • Practices include slow flow yoga and Yoga Nidra visualizations tailored to the full moon's energy.

🌗 Last Quarter Moon

  • Relax and reflect during a live yoga and stretch class.
  • Guided journaling prompts to help you evaluate goals and prepare for the next cycle.

🌚 Dark Moon Circle

  • Deep rest and renewal through a live Yoga Nidra session.
  • A perfect time to release and reset before the new moon phase.

🌞 Astro Seasonal Wellbeing

  • Explore how each of the 12 astrological seasons influences your body and mind.
  • Learn body astrology to connect with your unique cosmic blueprint and align with seasonal rhythms.

⚡️ Monthly Guest Teacher

  • Expert sessions aligned to the body area or astrological house of the month for deeper insight and practice.

Exclusive Wellbeing Community

  • Access to moon meditations, cyclical living resources, moon phase Yoga Nidra for sleep, and more.
  • Stay connected with like-minded individuals on your journey toward cosmic alignment.


During each astrological sign season, you’ll experience:

  • Astro-themed HIIT workouts, yoga, and pilates.
  • Meditations and Yoga Nidra aligned to each astro seasons energy.
  • Astrological sign-focused nutrition and sleep tips.
  • Creativity and hobbies linked to the Zodiac sign of the month.
  • Exploration of your Mars placement for insights into your vitality, movement, and passions.
  • Body astrology linked to the sign of the month and personalised self-care routines.
  • A seasonal Astro Self-Care E-Book and understanding of your "Big 3" (Sun, Moon, Rising signs).
  • Live Manifest with the Moon classes and access to the Sleep Program to optimize rest.

Connect to the rhythms of the cosmos and empower your body, mind, and spirit with Moveology. 🌙✨