Gemini sun in the 10th House, Pisces moon in the 12th, Virgo rising in the 6th House and mercury in Cancer.

Alexe is a Manifestor 2/4 in human design. 

 The alchemy of magic and movement has been an integral part of Alexe's life since her youth, where dance emerged as a powerful outlet for expressing pent-up emotions. Born prematurely and spending her first months in an incubator, she found solace in her imagination as an only child.

Diagnosed with dyslexia during a challenging period, Alexe turned to creative outlets, considering it now as one of her 'superpowers.' Art, dance, and drumming became conduits for expressing frustrations, and the alternative music scene embraced her sense of being different.

Facing a knee injury in her late teens, Alexe temporarily shelved her dreams of pursuing a movement career and delved into art and music instead. With a bachelor's in music business and management, she organised numerous concerts and events. However, a rediscovery of sensual movement in her early twenties led her back to teaching and she became a well known pioneer within the alternative dance industry and co-founding the London Dance Academy in 2005 and where the first to run Aerial yoga classes in the UK and bring pole dance into the main stream. Alexe is a know innovator and has had several TV appearances and worked along side house names, such as Nike, Samsung and Stella McCathnay to name a few 

Despite the success, the fast-paced lifestyle and a toxic cycle took a toll. In 2014, recognising the need for change, Alexe made the bold decision to change her life, and start a new journey of self-discovery. A few tumultuous years followed, marked by personal and professional shifts, including the birth of her daughter Sophia and a move to France.

Struggling with burnout as a new mom managing a company from a distance, Alexe faced a profound turning point and left her own creation in 2018. Embracing the lunar cycle and practicing Yoga Nidra became transformative, leading her to become a moonologer, Yoga Nidra instructor and Personalised health care coach. An exploration of energy work, chakras, elements, and medical astrology followed, culminating in the creation of these cyclical living and self-care routines the Universal Movement methodology during the 2020.

This journey, marked by awakenings and challenges, fueled Alexe's commitment to empower, with a fresh perspective on our energy, time and holistic wellness. Her aim is to guide you toward embracing your uniqueness, aligning with cyclical living for personalised self-care routines, corresponding with the sun and moon phases utilising ancient wisdom, in the modern era.


Discover the other UM's Instructors


Movement and Yoga

  • Transformation sleep Yoga Nidra - 100 hours (with Ally Boothroyd) Scholarship ✨
  • Restorative yoga - moon-to-moon - 70 hours (with Ally Boothroyd)
  • Meditation Instructor
  • Yoga Instructor - 200 hours (with Kaivalya yoga method)
  • Certified Pilates instructor
  • Chakra Dance ® facilitator
  • Aerial yoga instructor
  • Sensual dance instructor with over 20 years teaching experience. 
  • Ex Co-founder of London Dance Academy and CEO of the school for 14 years

Holistic Wellness Certifications

  • Moonologer (with Yasmin Boland)  
  • Alchemical Astrologer & charkas (with Alanana Kaivalya, Ph.D method)
  • Self care coach (with Transformational Academy)
  • Abundance and manifestation life coach
  • Advanced Astrology Apprenticeship Level 3: Vocation, Money and Health Astrology (London School of Astrology)
  • Medical Astrology level 1 & 2 (with Astrology of health)
  • Women's Holistic Wellness and circle facilitator 



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