Explore the Universal Movement Blog


Our diverse range of articles invites you on a transformative journey, exploring the profound connections between feminine energy, lunar cycle, zodiac signs, chakras, and more.

Delve into topics that illuminate the mysteries of the universe, from decoding the influence of planetary returns to syncing your self-care with the moon phases. Each post is a celestial guide, offering insights to harmonize your mind, body, and spirit.

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What is a planetary return and how does it affect us during our lifetime? Feb 28, 2023

Your astrological birth chart is a snapshot of the positions of the planets at the moment of your birth. A planetary return means that that particular planet has completed a full orbit and returned...

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Moon Phase Fitness: syncing your self-care with the lunar cycle Jan 31, 2023

Learn about the moon phases and how they correspond to our energy levels, and why syncing our fitness goals to the lunar cycle can help us work with – not against – the natural...

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Full Moon in Gemini Dec 07, 2022

The last full moon of the year shines in Gemini energy. Full moons are a time to show gratitude to ourselves and let go of lingering energies. For many of us, that may involve releasing stress to...

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What is Kundalini Yoga? Nov 17, 2022

It’s a fairly universal truth that together, we are stronger. Kundalini works with that principle by blending several practises together: Bhakti yoga (mantras and affirmations), Raja yoga...

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Full Moon in Taurus Nov 07, 2022

This month’s full moon–also known as the Beaver Moon, a Native American name bestowed by the Farmer’s Almanac–signifies a time of gratitude for what we’ve achieved so...

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Full Moon in Capricorn Jul 13, 2022

This full moon is a supermoon, meaning its orbit is closest to the Earth, making it appear larger and more powerful. That power also applies to the energy and emotions present around this time...

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Herb magic and the star signs: helpful plants for July’s zodiac sign Cancer Jul 11, 2022

What is the link between herbs and the signs of the zodiac?

When it comes to flowers, most of us have a favourite, whether because of its specific colour, texture, or a memory it triggers....

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May's New Moon in Gemini May 30, 2022

New moons are the perfect time to sit down and think about how you’d like the next few weeks to go. What needs to change? Where is your focus going to be?

This new moon is a double whammy of...

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Full Moon in Virgo Mar 18, 2022

Hello lunar lovelies! March’s beautiful full moon arrives this evening, announcing the end of winter just before the Spring Equinox. (Which is also the official launch of Universal Movement,...

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